Physical Therapy

Women' Health

Please print and fill out the Health History Form and Pre Treatment Form and bring to your first visit.  If you are suffering from Bladder issues, please fill in the Bladder Quiz that so we can determine if you would benefit from Physical Therapy.

Prenatal Care
Treatments have a wide range of services, from use of biofeedback to effectively strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and find your optimal labor and birthing positions to addressing common complaints during pregnancy including: low back pain, neck/shoulder pain, headaches, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, foot pain, foot/leg swelling, leg cramps, urinary incontinence, and gestational diabetes.

High Risk Pregnancy (usually some form of bed rest)
There are safe, gentle exercises that can be done during this time period. With close communication with your health care provider we will address appropriate bed positioning, exercise instruction, relaxation training, and visualization to promote optimal physical (and mental) health while awaiting the birth of your baby/babies.
Post-Delivery Rehabilitation
Soreness, sleep deprivation, and new physical challenges all deem attention after the birth of your baby.  Services include care of Cesarean section and episiotomy pain & scarring, neck/shoulder/low back pain, posture and body mechanics training specific to caring for your child, urinary and/or fecal incontinence, and pelvic pain syndromes. Areas of weakness and tightness will be addressed with an individualized exercise program that can even include your baby for added bonding!
Menstrual Pain/Cramping
An unwelcome side effect each month, this can be managed with physical therapy.  Once your health care provider has determined there is no abnormal cause of pain, services may include: a postural evaluation to rule out musculoskeletal dysfunction, appropriate exercises to help you relax tense muscles, and TENS unit (electrical stimulation) for pain management.

Post– Mastectomy & -Lymphectomy
Your PT will help you become accustomed to your new shape.  You will learn how to gently massage your scar to prevent adhesions, learn deep breathing activities, and receive a tailored exercise program to regain full range of motion of your shoulder and upper body. You will also learn how to ease back into cardiovascular exercise and normal daily activities without increasing risk of lymphedema. 

Prevent further bone loss and build stronger bones with your physical therapist, skilled in exercise prescription, balance training, postural assessment, and fall prevention.

The following are managed with a combination of treatments specific to the individual: 

  • Stress, urge, or mixed urinary incontinence
  • Fecal Incontinence
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic pain syndromes i.e. dyspareunia (painful intercourse), vaginissmus
  • Prolapse syndromes of bladder, uterus, or rectum


Treatments may include the following: 

  • Finally learning the right way to do a Kegel exercise!
  • Manual therapy techniques to relax tight muscles or realign joints 
  • Modalities such as biofeedback, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, vaginal weight/cones 
  • Therapeutic exercise emphasizing pelvic floor muscle activity and trunk stability
  • Bladder retraining education

Individualized patient education for posture, body mechanics, ergonomics, supportive braces, diet, bowel and bladder health, generalized fitness/wellness