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What does it take to get to the NEXTLEVEL?

Whether you are a patient in the later stage of rehabilitation needing to return to prior level of function, an active individual looking to decrease the likelihood of suffering an injury, or a competitive athlete that’s looking to step up your game, NEXTLEVEL can be just the answer you are looking for.

NEXTLEVEL has developed a truly cutting edge and highly effective system to treatment and training.  This multifaceted approach uses a three tiered system.

  • Transitional Rehabilitation (later stage rehabilitation)
  • Corrective Exercise (Prevention)
  • Integrated Performance Enhancement (Performance)

NEXTLEVEL will direct each client in reaching their potential through a multidisciplinary, integrated and individualized approach.  Each client will receive the highest level mentoring, research based training and care available.  Clients will benefit from many of the same training techniques and technology utilized by today’s professional athletes and teams, including DARTFISH/Video Analysis, Active Release Technique, Functional Movement Screen and much more.